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Morgaine is a clutz, a dramatist, and above all, a dreamer. Her goals for the 11th grade are simple: land the leading role in the annual school play and win the affection of Peter Barrie, the new Aussie heartthrob.

But when things fail to go as planned, Morgaine’s carefully designed mask of dreams and fantasies begin to crack. Reality seeps in. Suppressed truths about her life rush to the surface, and she has no choice but to confront them. As the boundaries between fact and fiction begin to blur, Morgaine must determine if she has the strength to live her life in a whole new way.

Can she be the heroine she needs?


Jenna Greene has created a modern day Herione for us to enjoy and learn from. To become more than we think we can be. In spite of very real obstacles. For anyone who loves reading a well written book, but especially for those who need to be reminded that they are the hero or heroine they are looking for.

Spencer Van Hauwaert
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The Wicked Truth: Villains Speak Out

You've heard from the heroes. You've pitied the princesses. Now, the villains are speaking out. Seven authors. Seven fairy tales…all told from the villain’s perspective. Discover the truth of these familiar fairy tales from the antagonists of The Snow Queen, Rumpelstiltskin, Goldilocks, Snow White, Cinderella, The Princess and the Pea, and The Wizard of Oz.

Co-written with authors C. Penticoff, McCallum J. Morgan, Carol Gilby, Sondra Hicks, D. A. Stein, Chandra Trulove Fry, and Jenna Greene

Great Anthology

Who doesn’t love fairy tales? And what’s even better is telling classical fairytales from the villain’s point of view. I really liked The Snow Queen and Dragon Princess & The Pea. This was an enjoyable read, with a lot of talented authors.

Amazon Customer

I loved it, especially the unique takes on the Princess …

Very creative retelling from the villain’s perspectives! I loved it, especially the unique takes on the Princess and Pea staring dragons!

Tonya Mason

Short Stories of Old

Stories that we heard as children told in a new way to make it a little more fun for us adults


Seven Doors of Fate

A training academy for Sunats, an insectile breed of supernatural beings blending with the human race, a hotel that serves up its own brand of redemption right along with its world-famous breakfast, A future where people are disregarded as mere pawns on a chessboard, a cupid who proves to be much more than what Valentine’s Day suggests, a man who realizes he has become a zombie and must battle for his very soul against all inhuman instincts, two men locked in an immortal race against an inevitable fate on a dark road, and a young girl who witnesses a murder and now must turn to the most unlikely source for protection.

Co-written with authors Charlotte Backer, David Boiani, Jenna Greene, Thomas Jerlo, Simon Parker, Steve Soderquist, and Phil Thomas

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