Children’s Books

Winston – The Well-Dressed Wombat
Winston the Wombat loves to share what he knows, how to clothe all his friends wherever he goes.
Take a fun little journey with Winston to see, all the dressing suggestions he gives out for free.

Bachtavia Bat and the Search for a Hat
Join Bachtavia Bat on his journey to find the perfect hat for the year’s biggest celebration.

An Owl Without A Name
When a young Great Horned Owl wakes up to find himself on the ground with a broken wing, he can’t figure out where he is, how he got there, or how to get back to the tree where he lives with his parents and older sister. Is this a test, to see if he is ready to leave the nest? Is he being punished for something? Before he knows what is happening, he is whisked away to a rescue centre, where he meets other owls who are also recovering from injuries before being released back into the wild.

Summer of Rocks
It’s the summer of 1990, and Amy (age 11), Beth (age 9), and Marion (age 6) are in for the family vacation of a lifetime. No, they’re not going Disneyland, Hawaii, or on a Caribbean cruise. No, they’re not flying to Germany to collect pieces of the Berlin Wall.
They will be looking at rocks, though. Lots of rocks. So many rocks.
You see, when your father is a geologist, that’s what you do on your summer vacation. You drive for days to the British Columbia–Yukon border, strapped in the backseat of the family truck with your sisters, fighting over the Gameboy, listening to your parents tell you “fascinating” facts about the scenery, playing the Little Mermaid soundtrack on a loop, and trying not to get elbowed in the face. Doesn’t that sound like a dream vacation? Well, it’s no luxury trip, but it has its highlights―from camping under the stars to wading in natural hot springs to flying a helicopter! And for Amy, Beth, and Marion, the memories they make along the way will last a lifetime. At least that’s what their parents tell them…